Helping you recover from a stay in hospital

Helping your Recovery

In order to help with your recovery there is a range of support available to you to help you get back to living your life.

If you have additional care and support needs following your stay in hospital, then the Active Recovery team will assess your needs.

They will then organise a care and support package for you prior to you returning home in order ensure you can recover safely.

Hull Churches Home from Hospital (HCHfH)

If you live in Hull, there is a service that can support your discharge from hospital, free for up to six weeks, depending on the nature and complexity of your recovery.

Hull Churches Home from Hospital (HCHfH) has been helping people since 1994. It was set up in order to help people to manage in their own homes following discharge from hospital. Their purpose is to help you get back on your feet and to feel confident enough to resume your usual activities.

Visit the Hull Churches Home from Hospital website 

Alternatively you can contact them by telephone on 01482 447 673

Community Navigation Service

During your recovery, you may want to start looking at things to do within the community. If this is the case, you can make an appointment with a Community Navigator.

They can help you access support and guidance on a range of issues. It provides links to community groups, services and activities that could help you make positive changes or just improve how you feel.

It can be particularly good to do these things to avoid feeling lonely and isolated during your recovery. They will take into account any support needs you may have and signpost you to services that can adapt to those needs.

Refer yourself to see a Community Navigator