Respite for Carers

Respite care is a temporary arrangement to allow the main carer of someone to have time off for whatever reason. If you’re looking after someone, occasional breaks are absolutely essential to your wellbeing and health. Carers often use respite care to take a holiday or a break, or if they are ill and need time off.

Respite can include a number of things which include -

  • residential or nursing care, where the person you are caring for goes for a short stay in a residential or nursing home
  • day-sitting services, where someone comes to your home to care for the person you look after during the day
  • night-sitting services, where someone comes to your home to care for the person you look after during the night, allowing you a good, restful sleep
  • day opportunities, where the person you’re looking after goes to a day centre, or takes part in activities away from home
  • holidays by yourself, or with the person you care for

If the person you care for has a social worker assigned to their case, you can speak to them in the first instance.

If the person you care for does not have a nominated social worker, you will need to contact our Community See & Solve team in order for us to consider what type of help you need, and decide which care services we can provide to help you with.

You can contact the Community See & Solve team via -

Telephone: 01482 300 399
Email: see&